LinkedIn - Sunnyvale, CA

The LinkedIn project is M Moser Associate’s (MMA)first experiment with stop-motion graphics.

The creative process started with interviewing MMA’s Design Director and LinkedIn’s Vice President of Workplace about the design process as the space is the company’s first “maker space” located in Sunnyvale, CA.

In collaboration with my former Marketing Director, we were able to capture elements of the interview that matched the look and feel of the space - tactile, workshop, raw, functional.

Once the elements were identified, I developed the creative brief and shotlist and partnered with the videographer and photographer to bring the story to life. Together, we developed the concept of experimenting with stop-motion graphics as the cadence of each shot resembles the process of building.

Thousands of layered shots and two-days later, the final deliverable truly captured the tactility of each shot without it being a traditional video concept.


Creative Direction
Creative Brief
Brand Strategy
Project Management